Collected the new girls on Saturday. When I got them out of their box, they were a bit hot and bothered. Particularly the buff silkie seemed very upset and just sat down and didn't walk around. The other two appeared fine.
The girls upon arrival |
Easter Sunday morning was a bit of a crisis. The buff silkie (Buffy) was fine, as was the pencilled Wyandotte (Willow) but the Cuckoo silkie (Cordelia) was just sitting in the nest box and wouldn't move. I picked her up and placed her in the run and set the trails camera going to record what they were doing. Willow was pecking her quite a bit and she looked very sad so I took her out and put her on her own in in the outside open run with the green eglu, next to the WIR.
She mostly sat hunched unless I went in and scattered seeds, then she'd scratch about in a desultory way. I sat watching her for some time as the weather was fairly good. I gave her water periodically using a syringe.
I got my Nettex Nutri-drops only to discover that their best-before date was July 2018! I started a thread on the Omlet forums for advice. One said probably OK, just maybe not as effective. Another said she had found that after first dose of Nutri-drops her hens went downhill and died. I decided to go out first thing Monday to try to buy some new drops from the farm shop. Another chicken keeper suggested I contact the breeder. I ordered some Poultry Power (used to be Nutri-drops) from Amazon - delivery between 8th and 12th April!!!!
Cordelia in the outside run |
I contacted Meadowview chickens using their online chat, and Charlotte replied very fast and was very helpful. Apparently they are on crumb, and I'd given them pellets. I decided to get some crumb from the farm shop on Monday to encourage them to eat as I'd not actually seen any of them eating from the Omlet Grub feeder. Charlotte said she'd happily take her back, but by now I just wanted the little hen to recover!
Sunday night, Cordelia spent the night alone in her eglu.
Spent most of the time sitting, tail-down |
Monday morning she was still lethargic. I was very worried and posted an update on the Omlet forums. Advice was she was probably stressed as Silkies are prone to stress (and apparently sensitive to cold which I didn't know). I was advised to keep her warm so I brought her into the house in a cardboard box. Bought some layers mash from the farm shop, but they didn't stock Poultry Power (replacement for Nutri-drops). I put mash, corn, porridge and water in with her, none of which she seemed interested in.
I continued giving her water with a syringe.
By Monday evening (Bank holiday Monday) I was really worried. I cracked and gave her the past best-before date Nettex Nutri-drops. She immediately seemed to perk up and showed some interest in the corn in her box. I could see a difference in minutes. After an hour or so, I put her in the eglu with the other two to sleep.
On Tuesday morning(6th April) - Buffy and Willow emerged from the eglu but Cordelia stayed in roosting. I took her out and gave her water and Nutri-drops. I put her back in the coop and she emerged of her own accord and scratched around with the others. Those Nutri-drops are amazing, even when out-of-date.
Throughout Tuesday I checked her periodically during the day. I gave her water. If I put her out in the run she would scratch for a bit. All three chickens tended to go back in the eglu as it was bitterly cold, windy and, at points, snowing!
All three hens pottering about
On Tuesday evening I gave her more water and another dose of Nutri-drops and bed for the night in the eglu with the others.
Wednesday morning I gave her more water and Nutri-drops with a syringe and popped her at the end of the run. She and the other two scratched around. I gave them corn and sweet corn. They seemed happy.
Wednesday afternoon - checked them again. They all seem very happy. Enjoying treats and drinking from the old fashioned drinker. I'm sure I saw Cordelia eating some layers mash I'd put on the ground to encourage her. 3 days is the minimum Nutri-drop dosage, so as this is day 3, I plan to stop.
Fingers crossed that disaster has been averted! All three new chickens are behaving like normal hens.
Having spent time sat watching them in the eglu, I realised how bitterly cold the wind is as it whistles up the slope. I've wrapped three layers of protection around the run to keep the wind out, and I plan to move the run up to a higher level, though when I stood there it felt just as windy. However it would be easier to erect a fence panel or two to give some protection from the wind. Maybe it won't be necessary. Once they've settled in, I plan to move them in with the other girls and only use the spare eglu when I want to move them out for a couple of days to give the WIR a thorough clean and disinfect.