Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fox Attack

I was woken up by weirdest noises at about 6:30am this morning. Looked out of window to see a dark shape leaping over one of the chicken runs. It was only partly light, and I was a bit bleary, but from my upstairs window it looked like something was really attacking the runs with the hens going mental inside. I could hear the plastic rain cover bungees pinging as the thing was tearing at it trying to get in with the chickens.

I ran downstairs and rattled at the window (the chicken runs are just outside on the patio for winter) and a Fox looked up at me from where it was worrying at the side of the ruf. It just stared at me. I rapped on the window again and eventually it ran off. 

When I subsequently went outside and checked, I could see little puncture marks in the plastic rain cover that is held over the run by bungees. 

What a shock! I'm glad the Omlet hen houses and runs are fox proof!

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