Arrived home from work today before dark, and so decided to let the chooks out for a quick run. As it was only about 1h to dusk, I let them all roam together and sneaked indoors to spy on them without my presence interfering with their behaviour.
They seemed OK. The older hens made a bee-line for the ex-batt crumb. The ex-batts seemed a little scared of them. I'd just topped it up and they wanted to eat it, but wouldn't risk it. They pottered around as a little threesome. Amber and Patsy ate their food and Nutmeg approached them in a determined way from time to time and they ran quickly away from her.
It looked like the three newbies knew their place. I suspect that the others will peck at them, but I think that having spent 4 weeks separated only by a fence has allowed them to become accustomed to each other. I hope this is the case as I'd like to be able to move the green eglu into the run in March as I'm going to be away alot and they won't be able to roam the orchard during the day as they are used to. I think they'd be better off roaming the walk-in run. I plan to hang feeding and drinking things and treats from the beams on the new roof, and make it all nice for them. Need to put in some perching bars, but one thing at a time ;)
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