I've been reading a great deal about the crisis in care homes. It is as if the elderly have been forgotten, their carers denied status as 'key workers' and certainly at the back of the queue for PPE. Estimates vary widely, but I've read that 45% of COVID-19 deaths are probably occuring in care homes among elderly people who have been persuaded to agree to "do not admit to hospital" wishes.
Hopefully this is in the process of being addressed more effectively now it has been raised in the media.
I'm thoroughly fed up with these restrictions. People in the USA are protesting at the lockdown, yet here in the UK people seem so happy to persist. I thought, and the Govt. thought, that we are a nation of rebels who would not submit to limitations to our liberty. Quite the reverse. The Govt are talking about releasing things only as public opinion changes. So we are in lockdown which will only end when we think it should! True that they need to carry the public with them, and also true that they have been more effective in their messaging and have terrified so many people that I suspect there will be mental issues, with people too anxious to leave their houses, lasting far into the future.

Onto positive things - enjoying cooking.
Discovered a lovely oriental supermarket and authentic japanese dishes from the Wagamamma cook book and a vegan japanese cookbook. Getting out every day for a lovely walk in the woods. Avoiding supermarkets apart from one a fortnight. Might carry on with that. Enjoying gardening - my seeds are sprouting! I'll be around all summer so easily able to ensure they are looked after and don't dry out.
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